Surgery Facts
As you get closer to your surgery day, you’re probably going to feel nervous about the procedure you’re going to have. Some of you have had surgery in the past, some may have even had eye surgery. I’ve written this description to remind you what needs to be done in preparation for surgery. I’ve also listed the steps we will be taking with you to insure that we will be operating on the correct side and doing the correct procedure. We want your experience to be a positive one. Thank you for choosing us!
Before Your Surgery
After you have been scheduled for surgery, it is important that you:
- Obtain a medical clearance from your primary medical doctor
- Hold any blood thinning medications, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and other pain relievers. Acetominophen is okay to take. You will also need to make sure your primary physician will allow you to hold any prescribed blood thinning medications
- Do not eat or drink at least 8 hours before your surgery is scheduled.
- It is okay to take prescription medications on the morning of surgery with a SIP of water.
- If you are diabetic, do not take insulin or oral diabetes medications on the day of surgery
- If you have any questions, please call us.
Day of the Surgery
The following is a rough guide of what to expect on the day of surgery:
- Wear loose, comfortable clothes. Avoid make-up and do not wear jewelry.
- You should check in at the surgery center at least an hour before your procedure. Do not bring any money,wallet, or purse. Have your designated driver hold on to these items while you are still in the waiting room.
- You will be brought back to the preoperative area where a nurse will ask you health related questions and check to make sure your health documents are current. He/she will also confirm with you the surgery you will be having. Do not be worried that we don’t know what surgery you will be having. We will ask the same questions over and over.
- An I.V. line will be inserted into your hand or arm.
- The anesthesiologist will introduce himself and will ask some anesthesia related questions
- I will come in and mark the area I will be operating on.
- Please use the toilet before we go into the operating room. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than a full bladder!
- We will wheel you into the operating room. You will hear heavy metal music. This is all normal.
- The anesthesiologist will hook you up to the blood pressure and heart monitor machine. A breathing hose will be placed over your ears and rest up against your nostrils.
- The nurse will confirm your name, date of birth, allergies, and the procedure you are having done.
- I will inject the numbing solution into your skin where we will operate. There is discomfort, but should be receiving anesthesia by this time.
- The nurse will prep your skin with a skin antiseptic solution before placing loose drapes around your face. You should have no problem breathing.
- We will begin the surgery. You will hear different voices but all should be well. Don’t worry – you will not say anything you will regret saying later!
- We may sit you up during the surgery to check the lid height.
- When we are finished, we will remove the drapes, clean your skin then wheel you back out to the recovery area.
- We will apply some eye ointment and ice packs to your lids/brow. You may look at yourself – the swelling will be minimal at this time.
- Juice and water is available if you would like
- You may use the toilet. We will assist you.
- Once you are awake and stable, the nurse will take you to the area where your ride will pick you up (about 20-30 min after you return from the operating room). We will call your ride to let them know when you will be ready.
After Your Surgery
Day of Surgery:
- Following your surgery you will be groggy from the anesthesia. Do not operate any machinery or even go outside “for a walk”. Rest is the most important activity you should be performing.
- You may shower, but do not wash your hair or get your eyes wet
- Sleep in an elevated position
- Begin to apply ice pack every hour for 15 minutes while you are awake
- Wash your hands, apply a 1/4 inch strip of ointment on your fingertip, and wipe gently across the suture line to apply ointment
- You should only have mild pain, if at all. If you have severe pain, please contact us immediately
Day 1 (morning after surgery)
- Continue ice pack every hour for 15 minutes while you are awake
- Continue ointment 4x/day
- Okay to wash hair
- You may have some small bleeding. Most of the blood will be on the inner corners of your lids
- You should only have mild pain, if at all.
- Follow up with Dr. Higa today (or tomorrow as scheduled previously)
Day 2 and 3
- Continue ice pack and ointment
Day 4
- Continue ointment 4x/day
- Put ice pack under warm water until melted. Put pack into microwave for 1 minute on high. Wrap in towel and place on lids four (4) times a day.
One week
- Follow up with Dr. Higa for suture removal
- After sutures removed, begin using ointment before bedtime until tube finished. Do not refill unless otherwise instructed
- You may continue warm pack until bruising on lids is gone
One month
- Most swelling will have resolved though final appearance may not be set for up to 6 months