Facial Treatments
Facial Refreshing
The Problem:
- My face is starting to sag
- My face is starting to wrinkle
How this affects you:
- You can be perceived as older than your age – can have effect on dating, job promotion
- People often “act the way they look”. This older appearance can affect self-esteem.
- Photos often look less complementary
What is happening?
As we age, our facial ligaments begin stretching. Our skin also stretches, wrinkles, and becomes saggy. As this happens, much of our face begins to move more centrally.

There are many causes for this, sun exposure, smoking history, general aging, genetics, but ultimate result is that you look older.

What can be done about it?
Observation – some people choose to wait until the problem becomes intolerable
Medications – There are many products available which can help with surface wrinkles and blemishes. The best product for anti-aging is sunscreen. Used regularly, it helps prevent UV light damage to the skin. For those with dark spots, bleaching creams, such as hydroxyquinone can reduce dark spots on the skin.
Surgery – indicated if the problem has begun to affect your lifestyle and you’re tired of accepting aging
Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)
Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy) is a procedure performed on the skin, the underlying fat, and muscle of the face. In this procedure, only the lower face and neck is addressed. It is not truly a “full” facelift because the forehead and eyelids must also be addressed in order to complete the procedure, however, it is a very powerful way to rejuvenate the lower face.
- The face and neck are marked with the margins for removal/adjustment identified
- Local anesthesia is given along with IV anesthesia to make the procedure as relaxing as possible.
- A tumescent agent is used to fill the areas being treated with a mild anesthetic and blood vessel constriction solution.
- An incision is made along the marked areas and excess skin is removed.
- The facial muscle system is identified and tightened using sutures.
- The skin is closed with staples and sutures.

How long does the surgery take?
Generally the entire visit to the surgical center will take around 5 hours. This includes:
- Pre-op check-in
- Nurse and anesthesia interview
- Transport to the operating room with prepping and draping
- Procedure
- Transport back to recovery with post-op instructions.
- The actual procedure time takes 2 – 4 hours from incision to closure.
How long is recovery?
For recovery, you can expect to be bruised and swollen. You will have a thick dressing over your face and a removable drain will stay in you until the next day’s appointment. Rest and fluids are recommended. Here you can download postoperative facelift instructions
Timeline to recovery:
- Drain removal – 1 day
- Bleeding from wound – 2-3 days
- Sutures removed – 7 days
- Bruising of skin – 10-14 days
- Swelling resolved – 3 to 6 months
- Face should look much better by one month
Is this procedure covered by insurance?
Facelifts are not covered by insurance and is considered cosmetic. The patient will be responsible for payment.
CO2 Laser Resurfacing
CO2 Laser Resurfacing is a procedure performed on the skin help tighten the surface by stimulating collagen and fibrin production in the skin. The goal of the facelift is to smooth the skin by pulling and tightening. The goal of laser resurfacing is to “iron” the skin
- Numbing cream is applied to the face and left in place for 30 minutes
- An IV anesthetic is given to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
- Laser is applied to the skin in defined areas. At least three passes are made to insure complete coverage.

How long is recovery?
For recovery, your face will be red and warm to the touch. Although generally not painful, you can expect to have a “prickly” and sunburn sensation. This will be reduced by applying a dressing to the face. Over the next few days, the skin will begin to shed the outer layers which will result in patches of old skin coming off. Repeated facial cleansing is important. Rest and fluids are recommended. Here you can download postoperative laser instructions
Timeline to recovery:
- Shedding of outer skin – Beginning 3-4 days after procedure.
- Redness of skin – up to 10-14 days
- Swelling resolved – 1 month
- Face should look much better by one month
Is this procedure covered by insurance?
Facial laser surgery is not covered by insurance and is considered cosmetic. The patient will be responsible for payment.